Wednesday, September 10, 2008

My story - part 2 (you have cancer, now what)

How did I find out that I have breast cancer? Well, read on . . .

In January I noticed that my bra was not fitting anymore on the right side. I knew that the dryer didn’t shrink just half of my bras, so obviously my breast was growing - but why only one? Maybe it was stress. I called Dr. O back and told him what was going on and that I was ready for the biopsy. I saw him the next week, he told me that the unusual growing could be hormonal and that seeing an endocrinologist might be helpful once the results of the biopsy come back. He also suggested that since I had never had a mammogram I get one done before the biopsy. We scheduled it for January 31st and the biopsy for February 8th.

The day of the biopsy he told me the results of the mammogram, “suspect multiple cysts in the right breast”. Ok I’m thinking, cysts are not scary, I can deal with that, just drain them. When I woke up in recovery and Dr. O came to talk with me there was a very different look on his face. He told me that it definitely was not a cyst because it was hard as a rock and to be extra cautious he took a large piece of it for biopsy. He made me an appointment for that next Tuesday to go over the results.

February 12th, results day. I remember this day so clearly. Aside from some soreness from the biopsy I was feeling pretty good. I just had an awesome weekend, we got our profit sharing checks at work and I was looking forward to planning a snowboard trip out west. My appointment was first thing in the morning so I got in to see the doctor right away. I knew the moment I walked in because he had that same look on his face. “I wish I had better news for you”, what? Wait a minute; you’re supposed to tell me that everything was ok, just like you were saying all along! We spoke for about 20 minutes all the while tears streaming down my face and thoughts of my mother bouncing around my head. He kept telling me that he’s never had a case like this and didn't quite know what to say. His office had already made me an appointment to see an oncologist in Springfield the next day, Dr. K. What a coincidence, she was my mother’s doctor! Before leaving his office, the nurse kept offering to have someone drive me home. Nope, I’m fine – I just need to be alone. I sat in my car for a while thinking what now, how do I tell this to my family and friends. Most of my friends knew about my biopsy and I knew they would be wondering, I didn’t really want to talk to anyone so I sent out a mass text: “Bad news, its cancer”, then I called work and let them know that I wouldn’t be in for a few days. Wow, 2 days before Valentines Day...this one's going to be a great one! (insert sarcasm here)

A lot of cancer survivors will tell you about a freak out moment they had when they were given the news. Strangely, I never had one of those. It was just like, Ok I have cancer, how do I get rid of it, what do I need to do? Telling my dad was the worst! He asked me how the appointment went and all I could do was shake my head and cry. He went with me to my appointment the next day. Dr. K didn’t immediately recognize me when she walked into the exam room, I had only met her a few times at my mother’s appointments. Once she made the connection she was beyond words. We spoke for about an hour and after an exam she suggested a series of more tests including CT scan of chest/abdomen, MUGA scan, MRI of breasts, have a fine needle aspiration of lymph nodes to see if it had spread (which it had), get a tumor marker and port-a-cath inserted and genetic testing to see if I carry the BRCA1/BRCA2 gene mutations (considering my mom’s history). Plan of action: chemo – 8 rounds of AC/T every 14 days plus 1 year of weekly Herceptin, surgery – most likely mastectomy due to the size of the tumor (9.2 cm indicated by the MRI, and that’s after the 1.5 cm they removed for the biopsy!), radiation – 5x a week for 6-7 weeks and 5 years of hormone therapy (an estrogen blocker since my tumor was estrogen receptor positive).

On top of all that I was told that chemo might destroy my ovaries and that I might want to think about getting them removed depending on the results of the genetic testing. I don’t have any children so what about that? I didn't get the best answer: probably unlikely – an estrogen spike while pregnant would increase the chance of recurrence. What about freezing my eggs? Not enough time, we need to start chemo soon and the hormones used to harvest eggs could cause the cancer to spread. F@#k!! Dr. K was great, she took the time to make sure I was clear on everything that she had said and even gave me her email and cell number in case I had any concerns that couldn’t wait until office hours. I left the office thinking, great not only do I have cancer and may have to lose my breast, now I have to think about my hypothetical children too! Do I even want kids? Do I want my ovaries removed? These are things I wasn't prepared to be thinking about.

February was a blur. The next few weeks were filled with appointments, scans and 2nd opinions. I traveled down to Boston to go see the best: the doctors at Dana-Farber. They pretty much said the same that Dr. K had, only they suggested getting a bone scan and head CT plus the chemo drugs and regiment were different: 4 rounds of Taxotere and Carboplatin every 21 days plus Herceptin weekly, then surgery, then 4 more rounds chemo. On my way back home from Boston I called Dr. K and went over what the doctors had said. I asked if she would consider collaborating with them about the chemo and she agreed to call them the next day; I wanted to get treated closer to home and I was comfortable with her. She spoke with them and a few other doctors at Baystate; ultimately we decided on the drugs that Dana-Farber suggested with 6 rounds up front and no chemo after surgery.

Stay tuned for my chemo experience, to be in a later post . . .


AngiDe said...

Hi Taylor, I linked over from "I kicked cancers ass". I was reading parts of your story and I am wondering if I can feature this Friday on my blog. I run a cancer project and I do a feature every Friday. If you are interested please email me.


Ned said...

Hey just found your blog. I am a cancer survivor. I also have had 3 pregnancies (2 children, 1 miscarriage) after chemo and radiation. It can happen, even though there is no reason why...I had to start chemo immediately, there was no time to freeze eggs etc..radiation can not be shielded from ovaries etc. I was told I would never have children. NEVER give up.