Monday, August 23, 2010

Surgery updates . . .

To say that I've been slacking on the blog would be a gross understatement! Much has happened since my last post. The August 2009 "scar revision" surgery went well. More pain, more bruising, more waiting to heal . . . but in the end . . . all worth it. They extended the incision on my sides to smooth down the "dog ears" and also did lypo to smooth down my hips (which is why the massive black and blues). They then did "fat grafting" to fill in some of the hollow areas on my chest where the donor tissue settled. UGH, more drains! So sick of dealing with surgical drains!

Next step after this was to wait a few more months for the new tissue to settle and give time for the scars to fade . . . 6 months, then back to see the doc to talk about nipples!

October 2009
I had my last appointment with my radiation oncologist. She was very happy to see how the reconstruction had progressed and that the radiation had not done damage to my right side. One less doctor to see on a regular basis! And to celebrate that . . . I'm off to Los Angeles to spend some time with my friend Ev!

Downtown Los Angeles

In Malibu

On the Sunset Strip

At the wrap party for "The Chicago 8" in the Hollywood Hills

March 2010
Back to Boston to see my surgeon. Pretty happy with the results thus far, but still weighing the nipple options. After much thought and talking it over I decide to go through with the surgery. Afterall, it would be like having a sundae without the cherry on top . . . that's no good . . . so June it is. A few days after that, I left for the Bahamas for a little fun on the island with a great friend! Excited to get away and not think about surgery, cancer, stress . . . ANYTHING!

. . . more to follow . . .

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